Gas and Oil Generation Industry

Gas and Oil Generation Industry

Bolts and Nuts for flanged connections

Bolt Types

Stud bolts and hex bolts are used in the petrochemical and chemical industry for flange connections. The stud bolt is a threaded rod with 2 heavy hex nuts, while the hex bolt has a head with a nut. The nuts and the head are both six sided.

General Studs

The number of bolts for a flange connection will be given by the number of bolt holes in a flange, the diameter and length of the bolts depend on the type of flange and the Pressure Class of the flange.

Stud length is defined in the ASME B16.5 standard. The length in inches is equal to the effective length of the thread measured parallel to the axis, from the first to the first thread without the chamfers (points). The first thread is defined as the intersection of the largest diameter of the thread with the base of the tip.


Studs are measured parallel to the axis (L) from
the first to the thread without the chamfers (points)
S = free threads equals 1/3 time bolt dia

Hex bolts are measured from under the head to the top of de bolt

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